Thursday, July 23, 2015

Stage 2!

I can hardly believe that stage 1 of my DIEP journey was 276 days ago! It honestly feels surreal. In 3 days I will go back into the OR for my stage 2 surgery.

Honestly, I am surprised to report that I feel more nervous this time around! It's odd because this surgery will only take a couple hours compared to the 8 hours of stage 1. I think a lot of it has to do with being so far away from the support of family and friends. I also am not wild about another surgery because anesthesia and I are not BFF...but I do expect it to be much simpler this time. I am very thankful it will be an outpatient procedure and I will be able to return home that night to be with my boys.

Though not excited for the surgery I am eager to see the results! This surgery is cosmetic and will hopefully make me look a tad more human. I can't wait to get the "dog ears" taken off!! I took my "before" pictures this morning so it will be interesting to see what Dr. S. does with the "after"!

Please send some prayers my way for a seamless stage 2!

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